Reclusive seven-figure email marketer reveals behind the scenes secrets behind his most profitable email marketing strategies...

How To Make $500, $5,000, Or Even $50,000 A Month Sending Just One Email A Day!

And Here's The Best Part...

You can use short, simple emails to earn six-figures a year even if...

You're completely unknown or brand new in your niche, market, or industry...

You have no email list...

You have no offer or product to sell...

You have ZERO clue about selling in print or how to write an engaging email to save your life!

Yes, You Can Do It!

And I’ll show you exactly how in just a minute...

Dear friend,

I'm definitely not your typical "marketing guru."

Yes, I've done seven figures in sales with plain and simple emails over the past few years but I'm most comfortable with a hot cup of coffee, a good book, and a comfy chair (just minding my own business).

In the "real world" I'm actually the pastor of a neighborhood church and just a few short years ago I knew exactly ZERO about sales, marketing, and email!

But as my wife and I were in the process of starting a new church I needed to make ends meet. So I told my wife, "Babe, I'd love to make an extra $500 with an online side hustle."

That started this whole incredible journey.

Now it's your turn.

If you want to learn how I make multiple-six figures a year from sending one little email per day to my list and how YOU can potentially do the same then read on.

Because this short message could change your life forever…

And introduce you to one of the most enjoyable and profitable ways to make money online while helping people at the same time.

It’s the dead-simple model I’ve used to go from making an average, middle class income to pulling in brain surgeon level cash in just a few short years with nothing more than the words I type out on my laptop...

Imagine having your own online business that...

Gives you nearly unlimited freedom of time and boss breathing down your neck or 9 to 5 grind unless you choose it...

Allows you to create another stream of income at whatever level you desire...probably more than you’d even think possible...

Creates customers for life...people that not only enjoy learning from you but even love buying from you again and again...

Only requires a minimum daily time commitment...

Makes you money while you sleep...

And...helps people solve their BIG problems and achieve their you not only make make a positive IMPACT.

All powered by short, simple emails that are a breeze to write...

You’ll learn exactly how in just a minute...

But first a quick story about the time my six-figure business BROKE and how little ol’ email saved my bacon…

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Hi, my name is Jake and I’m a self-professed email geek that makes multiple six-figures per year sending one short n' sweet email a day to my list!

But of course it didn’t start that way...

A few years back when I started my online business I thought I was a marketing genius…because I had some early success...

I’d launched an online course selling through an on-demand webinar and life was good!

50-60k month with just ads and a webinar.

People were buying my course and I didn’t have a care in the world…

Like an idiot I thought it would just carry on like that FOREVER.

Well, you can probably guess what happened next?

It came crashing down...


One moment I was making a few grand per day and the next I was looking at making just a few sales a month!


All my dreams of earning mad money online were burning down around me...

So I did what all good business people do when they hit a rough patch…(yeah right).

I completely panicked!

I had some ROUGH weeks/months feeling like a complete failure and having no clue what to do next…

All the time watching my numbers go down the drain...

Then it hit me.

I had an email list that I wasn’t sending anything to at the time…other than an occasional, “Hey, sorry I haven’t written in awhile…” email.

I was basically ignoring my list because all my focus was on the front-end offer.

At the time I didn’t even REALIZE I was sitting on...


But thank the marketing gods for a teeny tiny thought that popped into my head...

Why don’t I send an email to these people?

So that's what I did.

And wouldn't you know it?

Sales Started Pouring In!

Day after after email...

That's when I decided to STOP ignoring my list, like an idiot, and actually learn the art of email marketing.

It literally saved my business and caused it to grow at the same time.

Now, instead of treating my email list like the “redheaded stepchild” I treat it like the EXTREMELY VALUABLE asset it really is...and even more importantly, I understand that the people on my list are REAL people with REAL dreams and REAL desires that I can help them achieve.

What I discovered along this journey not only helped me make more money but also SIMPLIFIED my entire perspective of business, advertising, and marketing…

It’s what I call the “Blue Collar” approach.

Just think about the guy that wakes up early every day, puts on his blue-jean overalls, grabs his hard hat, lunch pail, and heads to work…

Simple and consistent.

That’s how I do email now.

Not flashy or gimmicky.

What I’ve found is that when you DO IT RIGHT and you DO IT CONSISTENTLY you CAN’T LOSE.

Ready to see for yourself?

Because now you've got a chance to build your own hyper-responsive email list that allows you to build trust-based relationships, help people, and...

Make Sales On Command!

Without becoming a “sleazy” sales guy...

Without complex funnels and marketing setups…

Without spending a million bucks on ads…

Without “grinding” on social media all day…(ugh)...

Without years of trial and error…

And, most importantly, without spending the rest of your life working yourself to the BONE…

There's a much BETTER and much SIMPLER way!

Here’s the model you can use to make money consistently and predictably.

I call it the “Blue Collar” way.

And it's the same model that Ken McCarthy (the father of internet marketing) says is how the REAL money was and still is made online:

1) Build a list. (email list)

2) Sell them something.

3) After they buy, sell them something else.

Sure, there are A LOT of steps/details in between but that's the "What To Do" in a nutshell.

It's how I've launched multiple businesses and done over $1,000,000 in sales over the past few years.

Just 3 simple steps.

And I'd love to help you do it too!

With my email marketing methods you can sell literally ANYTHING including: courses , books, coaching programs, consulting, physical products, or affiliate offers of all kinds.

But there's no magic formula or widget.

It's actually a whole lot more "blue collar" than you might think.

So, here's your hard hat and lunch pail.

And if you're willing to do the work I'll show you exactly how it's done!

What I Do...

Send one email per day.

Takes me about 15 minutes to write.

Watch the sales come in.

Of course the bigger the list and the better the offer...the more sales come in.

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Sure, people unsubscribe every time I send an email...

But more join daily than leave…

And because of the way I write emails most people stick around for a long time...

So it grows and grows.

I’ve also used this exact same model in MULTIPLE markets…

And it works everywhere!

That's about it!

Here's The Deal:

I want to help a few people change their lives for the better by helping them start their own profitable online business.

And, make no mistake, having your own online business is a game changer!

Imagine what an extra $1,000 or even $10,000 a month could do for you.

Well, the good news is earning that level of income with email marketing is...

Completely Possible With My Methods!

So, I recently broke my self-imposed exile from coaching (because I prefer to just write my daily email and come up with new offers) and created an 8-week program that I taught live to an exclusive group of my best clients called:

"Blue Collar Email Secrets"

Which I'm now making available to the general public for a very limited time...

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I'll Personally Teach You How To:

Operate the same business model that allows me to generate 20k-50k gross revenue per month without employees, physical products, or partners that’s all powered by sending one simple email per day.

Choose a "red-hot" profitable market full of "wallet out" leads ready to subscribe and buy!

Create a "no-brainer" offer (or find a high-converting affilliate offer) to promote to your subscibers.

Build an email list of engaged subscribers.

Send great emails that people love to read (and buy from)!

Automate the whole thing to run on autopilot after you get it going so you can start another or just fade into a life of leisure...the choice is yours...

Plus, you'll be able to use this model over and over again in whatever market you choose!

But I want you to be VERY CLEAR on what you’re signing up for...

This is a "Done With You" program...meaning, I'll be there to support you and tell you what to do and how to do it but you've got to do the actual work.

You'll have to set up your site, find your offers, write your emails, and put up the time/money to generate traffic to build your list.

But don’t worry because I'll TEACH you exactly how I do ALL of it...and be there to answer your questions along the way!

You’ll learn the exact same tactics and strategies I’ve used to create multiple successful email powered online businesses…

But fair warning, this is ONLY for people that are SERIOUS about launching their own online business.

It’s affordable but not cheap and I won't do the work for you.

You'll have to count the cost and make sure you're ready to commit.

But as long as YOU give it your best you'll get MINE, and I'm 100% committed to helping you achieve your success.

Truth is, this online business thing can be pretty hard and confusing but I want to help save you time, money, and heartache as much as possible!

Just think of me like Gandalf (but with cooler hair), here to guide you, answer your questions, and keep you on track as you launch and grow your online business.

If you're here...that's what you want to do, right?

Launch and grow an email powered business that makes you stacks of money, gives you a life of wealth and freedom, and makes the world a better place in the process!

So you can ditch the 9 to 5 grind for good...

Secure your family's financial future...

Take better vacations (or take vacations at all!)...

Spend more time with your friends and family...

Share your passion, spread your message, and make a greater impact!

That's exactly what you'll learn to do.

Here's Everything That's Included:

#1 Blue Collar Email Secrets

8 Module Course Where You'll Learn:

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The simple but effective business model that I’ve used to grow a 7 figure online business by sending one email a day.

How to pick “Hot Markets” that are full of (frothing at the mouth) buyers ready for your offers.

How to build a BIG list FAST and have other people pay for it.

How to email more than everyone else while getting less unsubscribes than your competitors.

How to write great emails in no time flat that people can’t wait to read! (You’ll get every tactic in my email “arsenal” - 15 proven templates that make it fast and easy to write engaging emails that people can’t wait to receive every single day.)

How to create (or borrow someone else’s) “no-brainer” offers that are nearly impossible for your market to say no to.

How to identify and own your unique “voice” within your market so you stand out from the crowd and make it nearly impossible to be ignored.

How to use Facebook, Google, and Twitter to send you a nearly infinite number of potential leads for your business without paying for them!

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#2 60 Days Of Email Mentorship

For Q/A, Support, and Feedback!

When you enroll in Blue Collar Email Secrets you become a valued client and I strive to offer the BEST support and service possible to you. You get 60 days of dedicated email mentorship from ME (not an assistant or student) with "inbox priority" #1.

You can send me questions about your ads, emails, and sales copy for review. (within reason of course...) Considering I've charged upwords of $5,000 for copy critiques this bonus is a real STEAL!

#3 Sell What's In Your Head (Book)

How to create, market, and sell information like a pro. 170 page physical book mailed right to you.

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How to create, market, and sell your own info products like books and courses. All of my info publishing business “secrets” stuffed into one quick-hitting book. Essential information for anyone looking to create and sell their own information or training.

This book gives you the complete “roadmap” for creating your own hugely profitable products to sell to your list.

Includes: The “Sell What’s In Your Head” Crash Course - Video training that explains how to massively increase your average order value and make paid traffic “pay!” $37 Value

Includes: the “Boring Old Business” video vault. A library of training on marketing, selling, and funnels. $1000 Value

The BIG mistake most people make when they launch an info-product business that puts them at risk of wasting their time and making ZERO sales. (I learned this from an old out of print book written by an old-school copywriter that I was lucky enough to find on Ebay. When you apply this in your business you’ll know how to nearly guarantee people will buy your products even before you create them. See for yourself on page 23.)

A shockingly simple habit that will “unlock” your ability to write and create content like an unstoppable super-human robot! (Your friends and family will laugh and shake their heads as you write books faster than they can READ them. I practice this habit consistently and once wrote 2 books in a single month! It works. Details on page 44.)

How to write a book or create courses without being intimidated about your lack of experience, expertise, or how many pages/words it is. (The reality is those things matter far less than most people think they do. In fact, sometimes being an expert can even work against you! Because people like to learn from someone closer to their level. See page 17 to learn more about how you can leverage this principle.)

A laughably simple 3 step process for creating and selling information that you never thought in a million years anyone would want to know...much less buy! (This is the process I used to launch and grow my first business to multiple six-figures per year including how I made over two-grand while taking a nap one day. Page 4-6.)

An almost unheard of secret for why you need to make your products 10X more valuable than what people pay. (This can explode your future sales and profits and rocket your business past your competitors. It’s how I was able to enter a small, overcrowded market and immediately grow bigger and faster than more experienced and established competitors. See page 33 to learn more.)

Six proven methods for making your offer a “no-brainer” for your prospects. (You’ll learn how to make your products irresistible to the right people using these secrets that I picked up from devouring “old school” marketing history and through lots of trial and error. Probably the biggest hurdle for most aspiring creators is the inability to explain value or get the sale. After you read this you’ll be fully equipped to make irresistible offers that people rush to buy. Learn how starting on page 49.)

Why people are more than willing to pay you for something they can learn for free...and how to clearly communicate why it makes financial sense to do it…

This tip alone will add massive value to your offers and fundamentally shift how you think about pricing and selling.

It’s a definite “must know” factor of selling info products and when you pair it with the rest of what’s taught in the book you’ll be able to...

Acquire readily available information that you can then repackage and sell at a premium price! pg 119, 120

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#4 Lightning Fast Copy

How to rapidly write high-powered sales copy for all your ads, emails, sales letters, social media, and products that SELLS....

The 4 Shocking Secrets Of Lightning Fast Copy that let you blast out rough drafts of your ads, emails, and sales letters in a FLASH!

7 Ruthless Weapons of Persuasion that lay waste to your prospect's objections, price resistence, and disbelief...

The 3 Step G.P.S. Method for rapidly pinpointing exactly what to write or say to your prospect at any time! (Perfect for when you're stuck and have no clue what to say next...)

An out of the box way to use the 80/20 principle in your copywriting that boosts conversions while dramatically reducing the time it takes to write!

The counter-intuitive reason people ACTUALLY buy and how to leverage it to see your results improve INSTANTLY.

How to know if your OFFER will work before you even create it. (This alone will save you time, money, and effort!)

The 4 Pillars of Effective Copywriting so your copy will always be built on a solid foundation.

A 10 step creative process that puts you in the "flow" so you can write hard-hitting copy quickly and easily. (When you combine this with the other elements of the Lightning Fast Copy method you'll be unstoppable. No more blank page syndrome!)

Where to find an UNLIMITED supply of inspiration for your ads, emails, sales letters, and products so you'll never be STUCK again!

#5 The Business Builder Course

How to build an online business (including landing pages, email, products, offers and automation) in one day using Kajabi!

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How to setup your entire business with only one online tool and build your automated audience pipeline in only one day!

This is a course I normally sell for $995 but it's my gift to you for taking a 14 day test drive of Kajabi (the software I use to power my online business). What I teach in this course alone is enough to get you to a six-figure per year online business...

Bottom Line:

You'll learn exactly how to...

Build your own highly valuable email list of qualified leads and customers that are excited to wake up every day and read your emails...

Create offers your list are actually EXCITED to buy because of how well you know their wants, needs, desires, and biggest obstacles...

Send engaging, entertaining, educational, inspiring, and even dowright addictive emails on a daily basis...

Make a healthy side-income (or full time business) that GROWS into a wealth-generating powerhouse over time.

Again, this training IS NOT for everyone.

If you’re not serious about investing the time, effort, and energy into actually DOING THE WORK you need not apply.

Then there’s the cost.

This training is EXTREMELY valuable...literally me handing you my proven business model on a silver platter

Therefore, this training isn’t cheap and DOES require you to invest both time AND money into getting results.

When I asked my wife what she thought I should charge based on whats provided she said, “Oh, at least $5,000! You’re giving people a whole business...”

And that’s what I originally decided to do when I put the program together.

When I taught the course live to some of my existing clients and customers they each paid $3,600 just to attend the live sessions. (none of the additional content you'll receive was included at the time...)

But in light of recent circumstances with economic upheaval and business closures I want to make it more accessible.

Because this might be a LIFELINE for you…

I have no idea if you have a stable job or financial plan moving forward but I do know a lot of people are desperate to be able to work from home and take control of their financial future.

So, in light of that I’ve decided to offer the course at a STEEP discount.

But first consider this...

If all this training did was teach you how to bring in an extra $500 per month would that be worth the $3,600 others paid or even $5,000 or $10,000?

If all this training did was teach you how to use paid ads to build your email list, create products, and make sales via you a highly valuable skillset for making money online that you can use for the rest of your life...would it be worth it?

If all this training did was help you bring in an extra $500-$1000 per month for the next 10-20 years would that be worth $5,000?

Of course it would. Just do the math!

But for the serious students that are willing to really LEARN and IMPLEMENT this training...there is the very REAL possibilty of creating a business that lasts a lifetime and creates an income you've only dreamed of!

Of course, that depends on YOU and what you do with the valuable information in this program...

But I'm not going to charge you $5,000 or even the $3,600 my customers paid for the live event...

If you invest in "Blue Collar Email Secrets" within the next 72 hours you will get it for the insanely low price of:



One-Time Payment of $995

Be aware. This offer WON’T be available for long…

And, once you leave this page it’s gone for good.

Because I’m discounting the course so HEAVILY I will not grant you the discount later. No exceptions. After the 72 hours are up...the price goes back up for good.

In addition to that, there are limited seats in the course per month so I can support my existing students at the highest level possible with email support, Q&A, reviewing their work, and more...

So, don’t hesitate to lock in your spot before they’re all gone.

What’s At Stake?

With the world in chaos and the economy in shambles this is the perfect time to disconnect from the “system” and take control of your own economy.

The reality is that when you have the skills I’ll teach you in “Blue Collar Email Secrets” you’ll be able to write your own ticket.

You won’t be dependent on the whims of the “market” or a “company” for your income.

Your income will be the outcome of your input!

So if you believe in yourself and what you’re capable of doing with the right training this is the perfect opportunity for you.

And it works in nearly every market with nearly every type of offer you can imagine.

Want to be a coach or consultant?

Sell physical products?

Create and sell courses?

Have a membership?

Sell your services as an expert?

Teach a topic you love?

Create a community?

Write books?

Sell other people’s products or services as an affiliate?

Well, the good news is that...

If you can dream it you can do it!

But it requires the right system to get there from here…

It’s not enough to WANT it. You’ve got to TAKE ACTION.

So, here’s what you need to decide...

Are you ready to change your life?

Grab hold of freedom and autonomy?

Take back control of your financial future?

And make the world a better place by helping people solve their problems and achieve their dreams?

With a dead-simple business model that you can use to thrive in almost any market?

That’s based on sending one simple message to your list per day?

If so, click the button below right away and lock in your spot before someone else takes it…

But wait..."I need to know more."

I get it...

Even at a BIG discount it's still a BIG purchase.

So let's dig in to the details a but more about how the "Blue Collar Method" really works and what it's done for me and my students.

The "Blue Collar Method" Explained

With all these wannabe gurus taking pics in front of lambos and screaming about the lastest marketing widget and gizmo it's overwhelming and frankly exhausting isn't it?

Well the "Blue Collar" way is completely different...

The "Blue Collar Method" is about simplicity and consistency.

Just being yourself and showing up every day to put in the neccessary work.

That's the REAL path to success.

Based on the fundamentals not the fads...

The "Blue Collar Method" is about leveraging the fundamentals of creating great offers, writing great emails and sales copy, and making sales.

It's truly TIMELESS.

Blending historically proven direct marketing principles with the smartest modern marketing tactics.

So your business isn't built on the latest marketing fad or widget...but rather on understanding how to create what people actually want to buy and how to communicate with them effectively.

Once you know how to do that it's simply a matter of being relentlessly consistent.

Which brings us to the tactics of the "Blue Collar Method"...

#1 Run Ads

#2 Get Emails

#3 Make sales

In the course I'll teach you how to generate leads that pay for themselves using my "Automated Audience" advertising system.

When you master'll have a nearly infinite supply of leads (email addresses) for your business!

And as you've probably heard before, "The money is in the list!"

But the money is only in the list when you know how to get those emails opened and clicked!

And this is where the true genius of the "Blue Collar Method" comes in.

Because with email overload and open rates falling faster than the value of the dollar these days you need a tactical advantage when it comes to email.

And that's what you'll get in "Blue Collar Email Secrets."

You'll learn how to get your emails opened, read, and clicked like you wouldn't believe possible!

When you learn how to write emails the way I'll teach you in the course...

But none of that matters without...

CONVERSIONS! (We're talking sales, baby!)

That's the final piece of the puzzle.

Creating phenomenal offers and keeping your list hungry for them.

You'll learn how to rotate offers and create unbelievable promotions that drive buyers wild.

Plus, how to "sell" without selling and have your customers/subscribers thank you for it.

Once you master the techniques it's simply a matter of how much effort you want to put in.

Because when you do email like I'll show you...

The more emails you send, the more money you'll make!

But don't just take my word for it...

This may sound like an exaggeration, but it is the honest to God truth.

The Blue Collar Email Secrets have been the most valuable training I have ever had in my 47 years of life.

If I am honest, I was hesitant because I have never made an investment in myself at that cost. Heck I have never bought a $100 book like, Sell What's In Your Head before.

Truth is the book blew me away first. It took me some serious thought before signing up for the Blue Collar Email Secrets, but I took the leap.

This level of training, really makes college a waste of time, and its a whole lot cheaper.

This course turned out to be the blueprint from start to finish how to run a complete information product business. Much... much more than just emails.

I am giving this review because this training has change the trajectory of my entire life.... No Joking!

Heck, I don't even give reviews.

Jake, Thank you so much brother. Your transparency, integrity and openness to share these key secrets are a game changer.

Andre C.

There is absolutely no way we could have started our business without Jake. He made the mysterious process of starting an online business simple.

Our funnel was up and running in no time, we avoided a bunch of extra work, and we could pour our attention into our product instead of endless technical details.

Most of all, Jake helped us change our mindset. That wasn’t why we joined him at first, but it ended up making the biggest difference between launching a business or letting another good idea go to waste.

Now, not only have we launched an online business, we’ve become the type of people who believe in ourselves enough to execute, and that’ll pay us for the rest of our lives!

Aaron and Dani M.,

Jake, the instructor was very knowledgeable and enjoyable and the content of the class was excellent...very enlightening! The hands on walk-thrus in Kajabi were VERY HELPFUL.

Pagel W.

Jake is a phenomenal teacher and encourager. His life experience and ability to communicate emboldens me to pursue what seems out of reach with the confidence that I can actually get it done.

The Blue Collar method is practical and easily built on if you are willing to do the work. Out of all the materials I have bought, read, watched and tried to assimilate, this process makes the most sense and gives practical walkthroughs that will help you Sell What's In Your Head.

Shawn H., Life Coach

Ready To Get Started?

The "Meet Me In The Middle" Guarantee

Because of the BIG discount I'm offering you on this training I want to split the "risk" with you 50/50. As I mentioned earlier, I've sold this training for $3,600 per person in the past and will do so again in the future. So, at $995 I'm taking a significant hit on my personal profits. But I want to get this into your hands so you can benefit from it!

So all I'm asking is for you to meet me in the middle.

Take 60 days to review and implement the course and if it isn't EVERYTHING and MORE than what I've described here just let me know within 60 days and I will prompty refund 50% of your investment!

In addition to that, you can keep all the valuable bonuses I'm giving you as a token of my appreciation for your time.

Why not a 100% money back guarantee you ask?

Allow me to explain.

This program teaches my PERSONAL business model. EVERYTHING I know about how to run ads, build a list, grow a business, and make money online. I hold nothing back. So, I'm not exposing it to thieves, cheapskates, and people that are too scared to invest in themselves.

If that offends you or scares you off. So be it.

I'm looking for people who are ready to invest in their own success.

People that are willing to seize an incredible opprotunity when they see it and don't expect everyone else to do the work for them...

If that's you...then you'll absolutely love this program!

I Guarantee You'll Learn:

- How to build email lists with paid advertising.

- How to setup campaigns to make sales.

- How to write great emails and structure winning promotions.

- How to write ad copy.

- How to create info products.

- How to operate your own email based business that can bring in hundreds or thousands per month...

But I can't guarantee that YOU will do the work or get the same results as me. That would be dishonest. So I don't do it.

That being said...

I'm confident that if you'll put this training into action you'll make back every penny and much more. I believe in this training and in you.

I've priced it at a ridiculously low price for what it's worth.

To the right person this program is worth at least 100x what I'm asking...

And this is a program for serious entrepreneurs who understand that you have to pay to play.

If you don't believe that I can't help you and I encourage you NOT TO BUY.

Finally, this is how I "shake the tree" and make sure I only end up with top-quality people in my course/group.

After years of working in the training industry I've become "picky" about who I work with.

So, please read the sales page THOROUGHLY and CAREFULLY before purchasing to make sure this is a good fit for you.

If after ALL THAT you're still ready to rock...we'll do just fine together!

Simply scroll down the page, fill out the form below, and get started immediately building the email powered business of your dreams.

Fortune Favors the Bold,

Jake Schmelzer

Everything You Get With Your Purchase Today:

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Blue Collar Email Secrets

The simple but effective business model that I’ve used to grow a multiple six-figure (on its way to 7 figures) online business by sending one email a day. (8 week course)

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Sell What's In Your Head

How to create, market, and sell your own info products like books and courses. All of my info publishing business “secrets” stuffed into one quick-hitting book. Essential information for anyone looking to create and sell their own information or training. (170 page physical book)

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Lightning Fast Copy

How to rapidly write high-powered sales copy for all your ads, emails, sales letters, social media, and products that SELLS....(online course)

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Business Builder Course

How to build an online business (including landing pages, email, products, offers and automation) in one day using Kajabi! (online course)

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Email Mentorship

Ask questions, pitch ideas, and get the support you need from me via exlusive email priority access. (60 days)


Can I do this as a side hustle?

Yes, the Blue Collar Method doesn't actually take much time to do! That's one of the best parts about it. You can absolutely do this as a side hustle.

How long is the program?

Expect to invest about 10-20 hours into the learning phase of the program. Blue Collar Email Secrets is about 8 hours of training with an additional 8 hours of recorded Q&A and it's all GOLD for learning how to launch and grow you business.

But it is a significant time investment. (worth it IMHO)

How much will I need to spend monthly to run my business?

Good question.

You've got to pay to play right?

At bare minimum you'll need email software and a cart to take payments. You're looking at $75-$150 per month for software to run your biz.

Then, I'd recommend at least $100 for advertising.

Might sound like a lot but if you follow the plan you should recoup those costs quickly.

How is the program delivered?

Glad you asked!

All of the video/audio content will be delivered through our mobile app on the Learnistic platform so you can download or stream it on your phone for easy "real life" consumption.

We've all bought trainings that go unused because nobody wants to sit at their computer watching videos all day.

We've put a premium on consumption and user experience with this program...

With our app you'll be able to watch and listen (even speed up the videos...which I love to do...) while driving, walking the dog, or going to the gym.

For the more technical screenshare videos you'll be able to use our (soon to be released) desktop app for the full-screen experience.

In addition to the video and audio content you'll also receive a physical copy of "Sell What's In Your Head." Put your address in at checkout and we'll put a copy in the mail!

What if I have more questions?

Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions you have. Who knows, if I'm in a good mood I may even offer to hop on the phone with you for a chat!

Choose your payment option below and please fill out the form carefully so we can deliver your content!

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Payment Options

Coupon Code

[[coupon_message.text]] [[cart_coupon.text]]

Payment Methods

PayPal selected.

After submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal website to fill out your payment information. You will be redirected back to our site once the payment is completed.

Apple Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

Google Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

Unleashing The Content Kraken

Get "Unleashing The Content Kraken!" For 50% OFF The Regular Price

ONE TIME OFFER: For a limited time you can get "Unleashing The Content Kraken" for 50% off the regular price! You'll need products to sell in your new business and "Unleashing the Content Kraken" will give you the ability to churn out great content FAST! You'll learn my proven six-figure content creation skills for audio, video, and written content. Plus get content based business model trainings including: Micro Continuity Mastery and eBook Empire so you'll have multiple ideas for how to distribute and monetize your content.  *** Click YES to add this to your order now for just a single payment of $47! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place) 

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